Education and professional background
MSc in Business Information Technology; Master of Advanced Studies in Information Security; Lecturer in Information and Cyber Security and Head of "eBanking - but secure!" at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts; Owner and Managing Director of SecAware GmbH
Audit experience
ISO/IEC 27001
German: mother tongue
English: good
Oliver Hirschi has been a research assistant at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts since 2008 and a lecturer in information security since 2013. On the one hand, he is involved in various research, development and service projects and, on the other, in teaching assignments in education and training. In particular, he is in charge of the service "eBanking - but secure!" (www.ebas.ch). In addition, he is the part-time owner and managing director of SecAware GmbH (www.secaware.ch) and works for SQS as a freelance lead auditor ISO/IEC 27001.